Attendance at South Otago High School

Please read the following information about Attendance at South Otago High School

I am writing to provide you with an update around the schools expectations for attendance, I would like to start by thanking you for supporting the school during the first half of a challenging year. We appreciate the challenges of covid, isolating and flu and the effects on families and students attendance at school and learning.

As a school we expect that students who are well, symptom free and are not required to isolate to come to school. We also expect that when students are in school they go to all of the lessons on their timetable. The vast majority of students do this for the vast majority of the time. However, we are experiencing a small number of students that are not attending all of the lessons on their timetable and are truant as a result. 

Due to this increase in truancy from individual lessons we are going to trial a new system for term 3. This means we will monitor all students attendance and if a student is truant for 3 lessons they will receive an after school detention. Students will be expected to complete this on the week that it is given. 

I would ask that all students regularly go onto the portal and check their attendance. If a student sees a mistake in how their attendance has been recorded they need to have a conversation with their mentor. All mentors are able to change a students attendance provided a valid explanation is given.

Nigel Scarth – Deputy Principal. 

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