Senior Practice Exams

Well done to all our senior students who have completed their NCEA practice examinations this week. It has been great to see such a high attendance for these.

As a school we brought the examinations forward for two reasons:

  1. to allow students that are doing the digital exams to practice with the same software they will use in the real examination
  2. to allow students to have more time to work on the feedback that they will receive at the start of term 4 from these examinations.

However, this does mean that there was one less weeks teaching available before the examinations so students may not have covered all the content in some of their practice examinations. We also acknowledge due to covid, isolation requirements and influenza students have missed some teaching time and this may have led to some content not being covered. 

So students give themselves the best opportunity for success I would strongly encourage students to write down any areas they felt they did not have sufficient knowledge for in the practice examination. In term 4 I would ask that students then talk to their teachers about these areas and complete or catch up on any work that has not been covered. 

Thank you for all of your support so far in 2022. As a school we will work hard to make sure that students are well prepared for their examinations at the end of the year and we expect that students will do the same. 

Nigel Scarth - Deputy Principal.

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