Year 9 and 10 students will be in the old gym for their exams at the times shown. The rest of the time students are in normal timetabled classes.
Year 9 and 10 students will be in the old gym for their exams at the times shown. The rest of the time students are in normal timetabled classes.
We will use D5 for a Year 10 class, if necessary due to student numbers.
We have moved mentor time to the start of the day so that it is not in the middle of any exams. Mentors will check that students are prepared for exams with the correct equipment and attitude. Teachers will have talked to students about what equipment they need to bring to each exam to be fully prepared.
Students are strongly recommended to treat the examinations seriously and to spend time revising and studying for them. We consider them to be good preparation for NCEA examinations.
Please note that although the Friday sessions in bold have different times to the rest of the week. All exams are within normal school time and we will ensure students are in the right place at the right time.