Well being: What to do when we have a question or concern?

If you have any questions or concerns about how things are going for your child at South Otago High School there are people that can help.

We do encourage parents/caregivers and students to work with us to resolve concerns, if needed the formal complaints procedure is also attached.

TEACHERS: Our teachers work to support the learning and success of students, they welcome communication from parents/whanau. Please do get in touch if there is something that a teacher may be able to help with. 

MENTORS: Your child's mentor teacher connects with your child several times a week as a mentor and guide for them, conferencing meetings are great opportunities to connect about how things are going at school. 

DEANS: Along with the Mentor Teacher, Deans enjoy hearing about successes of students in their year group so that they can help celebrate and recognize achievements. They also help with resolving concerns, supporting wellbeing, engagement and attendance of students.   

2023 Deans

GUIDANCE COUNSELLOR: Students, staff, parents and caregivers are welcome to contact the guidance counsellor who can help with different options to support students and their families.  

HEADS OF DEPARTMENT: Heads of Department details can be found on our school website. They can help with questions about our teaching and learning programmes as well as in class support, assessment and courses. 

SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM: All the team can assist with any concerns regarding learning and wellbeing.

Staff along with our Year 13 leaders do encourage students to ask for help if they need it. If you are unsure who to contact please call  4180517 or email our office staff. We all help to maintain a positive and supportive community, if you have a concern please do reach out so that we are able to help you to resolve it. 

nga mihi nui

Cath Bloxham

Click to download the form: Formal complaints procedure