Literacy strategy of the week: Full stops and capital letters As a part of English assessment full stops and capitals are pretty essential.
Literacy strategy of the week: Full stops and capital letters As a part of English assessment full stops and capitals are pretty essential. So much so that it seems to become an ‘English skill’ but in fact it's a life skill! Across the board we want to see teachers and students remember to focus on the small things. It makes a big difference!
At home: If you see your child working or writing anything, have a wee look. Are they using capitals and full stops? If not, give them a gentle reminder. It will reinforce the message they’re getting at school; that full stops and capitals matter everywhere, not just in the 4 hours of English they do each week.
Ms Beaumont - HOD English
What we’re reading:
Angels and Demons (Da Vinci Code) by Dan Brown - It’s easy to read with short chapters (appealing to those with only short windows to sit down and read). I have found it instantly engaging and immersive writing. It feels complicated and smart to follow the story but it’s actually easy! - Mrs Murdoch