VR arrives at South Otago High School

Last week the students of year 9 DGT were introduced to the new technology of Virtual Reality. The VR is not new and has been available to gamers and others.

What is new is adding it to the curriculum at South Otago High School. This equipment is to help work in a dimension that supports all students in different ways. The learning disabilities disappear once the student learns to use the third dimensions.

What are the gains, as some may want to know, as they grasp the concept? To use the VR can work in a way of teaching the student information that they may not pick up on from reading a book or reading a whiteboard.   This gamification technique builds information, skills and reinforces learning and memory.  We are moving into a world that is moving faster that we can grasp. Artificial Intelligence is growing and will affect our choice of employment and how we are employed.  To learn skills that can be used in the future are essential for our students. They may be working on a task on the other side of the world, such as a medical operation, designing a new road, bridge or ship. Who knows where it will lead.   Apple has already made huge changes and it is more developed that the VR set in the picture, so we are a wee bit behind, but the school is starting to catchup. 

Learning still will have the literacy, numeracy and other elements in it but the building of the foundation of knowledge and visual learning will improve.  All you need to do as look at the Apple VR head Set.       The apple headset release .

Digital Graphical Technology. 

Mr Hynds

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