Week 8 from the English Department

Literacy strategy of the week: Punctuation. Like last week, accuracy is important and we want our students to get the message in ALL subjects that they need to pay attention to it.

Literacy strategy of the week: Punctuation. Like last week, accuracy is important and we want our students to get the message in ALL subjects that they need to pay attention to it.  We want it to become second nature - to understand punctuation, to use it accurately and recognise when they’ve made mistakes! 

At home: There is value in showing students we are still reminding OURSELVES about punctuation. I will often stop and admit I’m not sure about the meaning of a word or where a comma should go. This models to students how we go about figuring it out, models making it a priority and shows that no one knows everything but the important thing is that we don’t ignore it. Perhaps you could do something similar at home when writing or reading something yourselves. This will help show your child everyone is learning and that’s awesome. 

Ms Beaumont - HOD English

What we're reading: I Just read "The Honey Bus" with my book club and really enjoyed it. It's a memoir by Meredith May who tells the story of her traumatic childhood and the warmth that was shown to her by her grandfather who kept bees. While her parents let her down, May learned a lot about being part of a team and contributing to society through her grandfather's bees. 

While it sounds unusual and this is not the kind of book I would usually pick up, I loved it! Meredith May writes beautifully and this was a very enjoyable read. - Mrs Ward

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