Friday Focus - Health and Support service in Invercargill

This week we are focusing on the Health and Support Services in Invercargill.

This is one of the off site courses that we run in partnership with Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) as part of Te Pūkenga. James Michie and Ashlyn Cloete attend this course on a Thursday and have a big day leaving before 7am and arriving back at around 4:30pm. In their course they look at a wide range of aspects of nursing and health support including wellness, use of equipment, risk factors, anatomy, lifestyle and caring for people. The course is hands on and Ashlyn and James learn in a variety of environments. In 2022 there were four South Otago High School students that studied this course. Three of those gained entry into nursing and the fourth studied first year Health Sciences.

Friday Focus   Image 1 (Rotated)

Image 1: James Michie and Ashlyn Cloete are developing “fall awareness” skills


The L3 Introduction to Nursing course at SIT in Invercargill is a great way to develop knowledge in a variety of nursing aspects. In this course, we are able to participate in both practical and written assessments that go towards our credits at school. I really enjoy this extra curriculum course as it involves a lot of hands-on work and helps to set me up to study nursing in the future or can be a base for studying a variety of different aspects of the medical field. 

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