Student Support: Peer Support Leadership

On Monday our Year 13 leaders completed the second of their training days and spent time welcoming and supporting Year 9 students.

Our Year 13 leaders help our Year 9 students as they transition to high school. Some of the outcomes include helping students to feel valued in our school community,  developing relationship skills, self esteem and a sense of belonging.  Peer support sessions occur during most Wednesday mentoring times each week during term one and at other special times during the year. Sessions cover getting to know one another, finding out about people and places students can go for support, learning about our school values, understanding diversity, cooperation and communication skills as well as a cybersafety session. Thanks go to Mr Ensor, Mrs Penn, Mrs Bir, Mrs Hannah for their help with this valuable programme and we thank the leaders for their help and leadership with this programme. 

Mrs Cath Bloxham TIC Peer Support.

Congratulations to the following students who are our peer support leaders for 2024.

Zara Milne, Sam Affleck, Tipene Wereta McDermott, Blake Evans, Ashlee Anderson Jessie O'Hara Maddie Bielski, Paige King, Will Clark, 

Zara Upston, Archie Smith, Bella Brown, Sydney Marshall, Leticia Cochrane, JP Human, Zoe Hyslop, Alex Anderson, Shelley Lambert, Hadley Lowry, Ashlyn Cloete, Gemma McAtamney, Ben Judson, Emily Smith, Harry McHaffie, Jack Newport, Madi Findlay, Taelah Dawson, James Michie, Matthew Phillips, Oliver