The Board normally comprises five elected parent representatives, one staff and one student representative and the Principal.

The Board members come from a variety of backgrounds and the skills that they bring from their work and leisure are invaluable promoting and enhancing the work of the school. Elections for new Board members are held every eighteen months for approximately half the Board - this is to ensure continuity of Board membership. Each Board member is appointed for three years and is encouraged to join at least one committee.

The full Board meet once per month with a sub-committee for Property and Finance meeting the week prior to a full Board meeting. Other committees such as the Discipline, Uniform and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) meet as required. The Board have an overview of the management of the school and work closely with the Principal to target student achievement and develop the strategic direction of the school.

The Board encourages interested parents to attend a Board meeting to learn more about the school and to consider standing in future elections.

Our latest ERO report

South Otago High School Charter

Formal Complaints Policy

Formal Complaint Procedure

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Procedures


Bullying Prevention

Cellphone Policy