Mr Scarth leads mentoring.
Our mentoring model is based on proven research based within New Zealand and is designed to best suit our students' needs.
Every student will have a teacher acting as their mentor. As part of this each student will be in a mentoring group which will meet three times a week, in a similar way to a traditional form class. Each mentoring group will have a range of Y9 to Y13 students. This provides role models for junior students and leadership opportunities for senior students.
The mentor will be responsible for meeting with each student in their group regularly and having conversations based around their learning, setting goals and holding students to account for reaching those goals.
Students are expected to actively contribute to this conversation by being aware of how they are achieving in each class and having a range of goals they are working on whether they are academic, personal, sporting or cultural.
Parents or caregivers take part in the process by meeting with the mentor and their child twice a year for Conferences. These are 20 minute conversations where the student is expected to lead the conversation about their own learning. The first Conference of the year takes place mid-term 1 to set goals for the year and the second Conference mid-term 3 to review the progress towards these goals. During term 2 we have parent-teacher interviews so teachers can give feedback on progress in individual subjects.